Angie manages all the logistics of the church, if you have a question about anything ask Angie and she will either give you an answer or know where to find the answer.
Angie Tolfa
Administrative assistant
Angie Tolfa
Administrative assistant
Angie manages all the logistics of the church, if you have a question about anything ask Angie and she will either give you an answer or know where to find the answer.
About Angie
Angie has been happily married to her husband John for 23 years. They have two children--Mackenna who gradated with a percussion performance degree from the University of Minnesota and is currently touring with the Blue Man Group World Tour and Hayden who is working for Vos Electric as an apprentice electrician and recently married their sweet daughter-in-law, Faith (Johnson). And we can’t forget Otis and Mollie, their two sweet little
Fun Facts:
What do you do in your free time?
What is your favorite Bible verse?
If you could meet anyone in history who would it be?